
Litigation Support

Lex Connect Consulting deploys resources
to help in-house and litigation counsel
teams in the following areas

Early Case Assessment
Timeline summary
Deposition Summarization

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Bank Investigations
Product litigations
Contract obligations
IP infringement
FCPA investigations
SEC investigations
Merger & Acquisition
DoJ Investigations
Internal enquiries

Case Study I

Patent Review

Reviewed 43,000 documents Diligent analysis for 8 different patents and 11 trade secrets, customization of software, licensing, software development and testing Reviewed for Relevancy besides various issue codes like Source Code, various software, Training and Marketing Issues Also reviewed for Confidentiality and Privilege.

Case Study II

IP Review

Reviewed 87,500 documents Analysis of documents for IP infringement, customization of software, use of open source software Reviewed for Relevancy, Issue Tags like knowledge of the software, criticism of the software, contract, open source software Based on the analysis created notes to assist the attorneys working on the deposition.

Case Study II

Attempted Acquisition & Poison Pill

Reviewed 35,000 documents to check validity of an attempted acquisition and subsequent poison pill Identified and tagged documents for Offers made to purchase the entity in question, negotiations regarding those offers and acquisition, any other strategies devised or employed, including stock acquisition, proxy proposal and tender offer Reviewed for Relevancy and various Financial Issue Tags like Net Operating Losses, Financial Model, Acquisition Strategy and others

Case Study IV

Review of Documents for Assessment of Damages

Assigned 1,51,000 documents Conducted analysis of documents to determine basis to create a comprehensive assessment of the damages and build a suit around it Review for Relevancy, various issue codes including but not limited to Business Success Metrics, Improved quality, Cost savings / avoided costs, 8D or 8-D (relate to misbuilds / warranty)